Reaching a niche audience without paying a premium

How we drove customer acquisition for Schüttflix and their B2B marketplace.


Marketplace growth


5 months




The challenge

Lowering CAC for B2B audiences

Even though a B2B marketplace Schüttflix had an engaged customer base, the cost of customer acquisition was high. In order to reach the long-term growth, Schüttflix needed to increase reach with a B2B niche audience and at the same time keep the costs low.

High CAC

The costs of acquiring new customers was too high

Niche audience

The core audience was hard to target

Low reach

Struggled with visibility online

Unlocking digital

Need digital ads to fuel long term growth

The solution

Retarget LinkedIn audiences with high reach on Facebook

Combining the best of both worlds to increase reach without compromising on targeting.

A new channel strategy

We combined LinkedIn's B2B targeting with Facebook's conversion-focused ad platform with a combination of campaigns built on
custom and lookalike audiences to optimize landing page views and conversions.

Optimise on creatives

The increased reach allowed us to optimize on creatives for the fisrt time. Highly targeted, optimized creatives meant we could scale both supply and demand side for Schüttflix in a single campaign.


Channel strategy and campaign setup

New  Funnel

A highly targeted B2B lead funnel with increased reach


From creatives down to placements and channels


Weekly reporting on key metrics and results

The result

A Highly Targeted B2B Funnel

Our expertise helped Schüttflix to fully leverage customer acquisition via digital channels.

Saving time and money

Our new way of approaching digital marketing in the acquisistion of niche B2B audiences helped Schüttflix to gather insights and learnings faster, optimising on all fronts to effectively drive down CAC.

"Pirates enables you to speed up the implementation of campaigns and saves you time as well as money by consulting you with a ton of experience."

Gerrit Kisters

Head of Marketing, Schuttflix


Lowest CAC during the campaign


App installs via the Google Play store


Targeted landing page views


Leads on demand & supply side

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